Membership in the Norwegian Bar Association
About the Membership
MNA – medlem av Den Norske Advokatforening
The abbreviation “MNA” means “Medlem av Den Norske Advokatforening” (“member of the Norwegian Bar Association”). It is a proof of quality for you as a lawyer.
Members of the Bar Association have a right and a duty to show that they are members. You may add “MNA” to your title. For example: “[name], advokat MNA”.
Requirement of Continued Education
Membership requires that you keep up to date and continue to further educate yourself within the law and legal ethics. Therefore, membership gives you access to and offers reduced price to academic seminars and courses.
As a member, you get reduced price for seminars and courses organized by Juristenes Utdanningssenter (JUS). The Bar Association initiates and guarantees that JUS offers courses tailored to your legal practice.
“Advokatenes fagdager” is a two-day conference offering a wide variety of different courses. It is organized and held by the Bar Association and JUS at the end of May each year.
The Bar Association and its different departments (kretser) host numerous courses, both in-person and online.
Assistance from the Bar Association
Should you need assistance or advice, members may contact the Norwegian Bar Association. We offer advice on matters relating to the start-up of a law firm, the requirements and legal framework for a law firm, and matters relating to legal ethics and the Code of Conduct (Regler for god advokatskikk). We also provide continuous updates on relevant amendments concerning the legal profession.
Members can get support and crisis assistance in demanding situations. The Norwegian Bar Association offer individual conversations and advice, we can engage an external lawyer to provide assistance, and we can help you get in contact with other professionals, including a doctor or a psychologist.
Members can profile themselves free of charge on Norway’s largest market portal for legal services,
Framework Conditions for Lawyers
The Norwegian Bar Association constantly works with relevant authorities to ensure lawyers’ framework conditions. We represent the interests of the lawyers, and actively influence on matters that are important for the legal profession.
Legal Policy
The Norwegian Bar Association is the largest arena for legal policy involvement. As a member, you may participate in events involving topics of interest. You can also get involved with your local “krets” or in one of our many “lovutvalg” and “faste utvalg”.
The Best Insurance Offer on the Market
We offer insurance policies within all aspects of a legal practice. We work continuously to further develop the terms and conditions to be the best for our members.
Discounts and Other Benefits
We offer discounts and other benefits on a variety of products and services relevant for lawyers, both in their legal practice, or personally.
Advokatbladet is Advokatforeningen’s magazine. It is sent out only to members of the Norwegian Bar Association. Articles are also published on
The magazine is independent of the Bar Association and is edited according to “Redaktørplakaten”. Advokatbladet follows lawyers and the legal profession and is open to critical debate.
This is How You Live Up to the MNA Title
You Continue to Further Educate Yourself
The requirement of continued education is minimum 80 hours over a five-year period. At least five of those hours must relate to legal ethics. All members must fulfil this requirement.
You Always Have a Lawyer-Client Agreement
Members must always provide a written lawyer-client agreement when providing legal services to a client.
You Comply with the Code of Conduct
The legal ethics is incorporated into the Code of Conduct (Regler for god advokatskikk) and in advokatforskriften (the Lawyer’s Regulation chapter 12). The Code of Conduct is the legal ethical framework for lawyers and the legal profession in the rule of the law.
The Norwegian Bar Association is responsible for drawing up the Code of Conduct.
The Disciplinary Board (“Disiplinærnemnden”) renders decisions on complaints on lawyers for alleged breaches to the Code of Conduct.